United Anarchists for Free Germany!!! under construction yet
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Specials, please click at them: What age-relatedly retired ex Judge Frank Fahsel has to say about FRG-Justice SS-FRG State´s SS-Justice against lawyers who don´t want to tolerate perversion of justice and breaches of law: |
Our heroes The order of appearance in the first two cases is just contrary on the German page - both were absolutely adorable because of their braveness as well as because of their sense of humanity!
Sophie Scholl, fighter for peace, true justice and humanity, murdered by the German SS-Devil at the age of only 21 years in 1943. Noor Inayat Khan, fighter for peace and true justice and humanity, murdered by the German SS-Devil at the age of only 30 years in 1944.
14th of November 2009, 11.01. p.m. German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I had gotten an email from Anarchists, obviously from Bavaria. Amongst others they told me that a young Bavarian Anarchist, Matthias Lange from Erlangen, had died in a prison in Berlin. That case is very suspicious, indeed there were no facts that would have allowed to put him in prison, and indeed it looks like murder even they say it was suicide. But that is not all: It looks like there were systematical murder, done by the administration, in German prisons. Those damned Bavarian Anarchists knew very well that I cannot chuck such things without doing anything. So I am busy in that matter and of course I will report in English soon: The world has to know! With kindest regards Your sincer Winfried Sobottka, Unitede Anarchists
03rd of November 2009, 10.03 p.m. German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I have decided to give up fighting for a better politics. There are reasons for that: A lot of people are whining but no one dares to do anything which could annoy the criminales in state and society. So it doesn´t make any sense that I fight and I am not that one who likes to do anything that doesn´t make sense. I think I will fulfill the story about the dirty crime to Nadine Ostrowski and to Philipp J. , done by German state, but I don´t know when I will do. Those who are interested in that can inform themselves about nearly everything, only the frame lacks: With kindest regards Your sincer Winfried Sobottka, United Anarchists, but no more their speaker. 01rst of November 2009, 03.48 German TimeWonderful Women, dear Men! A little translation of a murder case that happend in Witten near Wetter / Ruhr, some years ago: There is an analogy to the murder case Nadine Ostrowski: The victim hasn´t defended himself.... With kindest regards Your sincer Winfried Sobottka, United Anarchists
30th of October 2009, 10.25 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! It is really unbelievable what the police of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany´s greates federal country according to the number of inhabitants (around 17 millions) offered in the murder case Nadine Ostrowski: With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 27th of October, 08.39 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! At this time I do not write in any forums because I have to accomplish the report in case of murder to Nadine Ostrowski which needs really a lot of time and concentration. It is much easier to write in English than to translate from German to English: Writing in English I can tell the most using those words I know, but if I have to translate thoroughly I have to use the best English terms for the German terms I have to translate. Furthermore not all texts I have to translate are completly written in clean German language - and then it is often a real problem to find an English term that has exactly the same meaning. Translating a passage it needs often more time to get a useful translation for a special term than to translate the whole rest of that passage. But I have made progresses and I think withion a week I will be able to offer a good report about that case of satanic murder by FRG: The truth is that FRG-state is trying to eliminate me by perversions of law, so that there is pressure to get some things finished. With kindest regards Your Winfried Sobottka, United Anarchists 26th of October, 07.20 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! Obviously I had accused the State´s Protection wrongly, the page polishforums.com had been inactive as I know now. However I must say that that I wouldn´t be such quick in accusing those guys if they wouldn´t have tried so many attacks to my lines and PC in the last years. With kindest regards Your sincer Winfried Sobottka, United Anarchists 26th of October, 00.26 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I cannot get access to www.polishforums.com, a Polish forum where you can write in English. It is not unusual that I cannot get access to forums where I would like to write, obviously German State´s Protection fears my words very much. Of course that would not be the case if my words weren´t true - against false accusations they could and would use arguments, certainly. I have translated a little more, words of Wolfgang Rahmer who was the public prosecutor in the proceedings against Philipp J. concerning murder to Nadine O. He stated Philipp J. would have deleted all traces by shedding water - to give an explanation that they didn´t find any traces of him at the place of act. But of course that is pure nonsense: Water doesn´t delete DNA-traces, You need acid or something like that to delete them. Of course I have a proof for that, too, I will publish it when I will have translated so far. But that statement of Wolfgang Rahmer is nonsense regarding another aspect, too: Even if Philipp would have used acid - he wouldn´t have been able to delete all traces efficiently without spraying all floors, all subjects and all walls that he had been near very thoroughly. To do that he couldn´t have had the necessary time at all: The last visitor of Nadine Ostrowski shall have left her at 11.45 pm, her parents shall have come home at 01.30 am. Even if Philipp J. would have met as well the last visitor as well as the parents he would have had only 1 hour and 45 minutes in the house. No CIA-Agent would have been able to delete all traces of a (demanded) murder in rage in that time without deleting the whole domicile. So there is the question: Why does a public prosecutor tell such an obvious lie? Here is the page with that proof and the translations: http://freegermany.de/us-english/nadine-ostrowski/no-traces-no-1-the-prosecutor.html With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 25th of October, 04.46 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I have started a thread about the murder to Nadine Ostrowski in a U.S.-forum: http://www.usmessageboard.com/law-and-justice-system/92642-murder-charge-against-germany.html I was forced to give there a proof I haven´t given here up to now, and You can see there that German State´s Protection and it´s servants are trying to fight down such informations. With kindest reagrds by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 25th of October, 00.32 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I have translated a press-report from August 2006 - concerning the murder to Nadine Ostrowski: With kindest regards Your Winfried Sobottka, United Anarchists 22nd of October 2009,09.42 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I am very sorry that I am unable to work at this time because of disease. I will write here again as soon as possible. With kindest regards Your Winfried Sobottka, United Anarchists 22nd of October 2009, 03.04 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! Today I found an article written in a U.S.-forum by a man who has an image of Sophie Scholl as Avatar and a citation of her in his signature, namely the following: The real damage is done by those millions who want to 'survive', honest men who just want to be left in peace without their little lives being disturbed. Those with no sides and no causes who hate to make waves or enemies. Don’t make any noise; the bogeyman won’t find you. Life is always on the edge of death: narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues; a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch. I choose my own way to burn.Sophie Scholl. I am just working on the case murder to Nadine Ostrowski and will publish about that today. Those of You who would like to save the proofs I will use are asked to do that: With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 21rst of October 2009, 10.45 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I have started the report about murder to Nadine Ostrowski and intentional sentencing of innocent Philipp J. for that: Tomorrow more about that! With kindest reagards by the name of United Anarchist Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 21rst of October 2009, 05.36 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear men! I will publish about the matter murder Nadine O. next and will begin today, but I want to let You know that there have been two unbelievable adjudications of the OLG HAMM (overregional court, one degree beneath the BGH (highest court)) in my own matters that are proofs for absolutely perversion of law and breaching of law. I will publish that by time, anyway it is one more proof that my accusations about German State and Justice hit the mark. Why else would they try to fight me down by crudest perversion and breaching of law although they know that I will publish that under the eyes of a lot of people including bureaus of other governments? They do not see another way out and that wouldn´t be the case if they could invalidate my accusations with arguments and facts! What is the difference between 3rd Reich and an FRG-State that murders innocent people, throws innocent people into jail and breaks any law to eliminate those who are complaining about that? What is the difference? With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 20th of October 2009, 07.39 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! That had been Nadine Ostrowski: A young woman of Polish descent, killed by an action of absolutely perfidious and cruel satanic murder at the age of only 15 years, August 2006 in Wetter / Ruhr near Dortmund, FRG. She was a woman of highest intelligence, had just overleaped a school-year at Highschool (Gymnasium), was a really dear woman who hadn1t done anything wrong. She was very sensitive, too, painted images which give impressions of that, for instance:
That wonderful young woman had been killed by German SS, and that matter is not to outperform regarding all facts. At this time the facts don´t allow any doubt that murder happened in order of FRG-State and at this time all important medias in Germany know that as well as the Governments of all European states. Of course the umbrella organization of the Jews in Germany, best corrupted for giving Germany a good image in the world, knows that, too. That has had consequences: The money the FRG pays them has been trebled by the FRG. So You can say German Jews get not only well corrupted on the bones of millions of Jews murdered by the old SS, they get corrupted on the bones of murdered Nadine Ostrowski, too. The umbrella organization of German Jews, "Der Zentralverband der Juden in Deutschland", is living very well picking over the bones of murdered people. That is Germany 2009, and the European states seem to accept that. Tomorrow the first part of the story of FRG´s murder to Nadine Ostrowski - here, where else? Certainly I will give You the proofs - they are published in German language long ago, for instance on: http://swordbeach.wordpress.com/hello-world With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka, very proud to be a member of United Anarchists!!! 20th of October 2009, 07.37 am German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! One difference between rationalism and crazyness is the following matter: While a rationalist would never exclude anything as long as You can´t exclude it definitely according to the facts and to the rules of logic, a madman tends to be sure about things although he can´t constitute it. Was the landing on the moon a fake or not? Surely most of the people will give a decided answer. But how many people are able to exclude the opposite of their own opinion by arguments no one can deny? It is the same regarding 9/11: Of course it is possible that islamic terrorists have been full responsible for that. But can You really exclude it that very powerful Americans had anything to do with that? No can deny that 9/11 gave the reason to interfere gravily in civil rights, to move the U.S.A. one step more to a dictatorship of state. No one can deny that 9/11 was taken by Bush to make war against Afghanistan where the U.S.A. see geopolitical interests. No one can deny that powerful people are tending to do everything to achieve their targets. 9/11 changed U.S. politics gravidly that way the elite of power likes. That is not the proof they had to do with 9/11, but it should make clear that You cant exclude that alternative by saying: "Oh, Americans wouldn´t kill Americans at any case!" Americans killed a lot of Americans, of young Americans, by sending them to Vietnam, to Afghanistan and to Iraque as no one can deny. I have continued working on the matter of SS, here is a quotation: He (Heydrich) didn´t get tired to paint the dangers for the regime in flashiest colors. By that Heydrich followed that ritual which police leaders of dictatorships use to initiate the building up of their terror-systems: the construction of the state´s enemy. Er (Heydrich) wurde nicht müde, die Gefahren für das Regime in den grellsten Farben auszumalen. Heydrich befolgte damit jenes Ritual, mit dem die Polizeichefs der Diktaturen den Ausbau ihres Terrorapparates einzuleiten pflegen: der Konstruktion des Staatsfeindes. ( "Der Orden unter dem Totenkopf", Die Geschichte der SS, Heinz Hoehne, Augsburg 1999, Page 188) Ladies and Gents, at this moment, after having made some experiences, I have to cognize that the situation in U.S.-internet-forums isn´t anything better than in German internet-forums: Censoring by dirty instruments. Obviously Skull & Bones is nothing better than German SS. With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka
19th of October 2009, 04.39 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! Of course I have to give my best to inform You correctly, but I have to give my best to inform You as convenient for You as possible. So I have not only to report anyhow, but concerning both of those targets, that means I have to deliberate some days and sometimes to wait for a good idea. I have published the first part of the story: "The monstrous intentions of Wolfgang Schäuble (Schaeuble)": at least three parts will follow, two concerning special other statements of him, one as an overlay that will bundle and explain all. One point will be that Schaeuble would like to have a law for legal killing, that would allow him thoroughly even to kill Obama, Putin or the Chinese leadership. By the way: I am telling about that Schaeuble who is Germany´s Minister of Interior and one of the speakers of CDU/CSU in matters of interior security, no way about any namesake of him who is sitting in psychiatrie. With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 19th of October 2009, 01.45 pm German Time Wonderful women and dear Men! I have to do some important things so there is not much time to write here now. But there is one thing I want to write about here in brief: Welcome to freegermany.de Saudi Arabia! We are very delighted to see You are interested in that we have to say, too. You will have taken notice that we don´t differ people in relation to their races and nationalities, that we know that all human beings are basically equal and have the same origine. So please think about that what I say now: What is better, to fight one another, or to fight in best community towards the targets of all? What is better, to have some dozens of wives who are pushed down and unable to make a man really happy, or to have one wife that is as well kind-hearted and self confident who loves her husband and makes him really happy? Some of Your Brothers in belief are killing others and at the same time themselves hoping for 10.000 virgins in paradise. No man can be really happy who refuses women to have what is theirs. Only women who have what is theirs are able to make a man happy and in that case they are driven by nature to make men happy. And one woman who has what is hers makes her husband absolutely happy, but 10.000 women who haven´t what is theirs are not able to make only one man happy. What is better, to live happily or to live unhappily? Please think about that. With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 19th of October 2009, 05.04 am German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I have to admit that I had underestimated the complex relations of Wolfgang Schaeuble´s doing to that one of Reinhard Heydrich, SS. Working out the first aspect I had to cognize that the "Vorbeugehaft" (preventive custody) that Wolfgang Schaeuble had demanded two years ago is basically absolute the same as the "Schutzhaft" (protective custody) that had been invented by SD- and SiPo-leader (SiPo means security police) Reinhard Heydrich, SS. And the "Schutzhaft"/ protective custody had been THAT instrument of NAZI-domination within Germany. There were two meaningful effects of that "Schutzhaft": Firstly it needs no more to take anyone into "Schutzhaft" than the intention of the police to do that. There was no legal remedy against that with the exception of a complaint to the Polizeihauptamt (SS-head office of the police) that couldn´t get forced to react in any way at least. So that complaint didn´t bring success, but contained the risk to be taken in "Schutzhaft" oneself in worsest case. That way SS could take everyone out of circulation if she wanted to do so. The other effect was even more important for securing the NAZI-domination: The knowledge that SS could take You out of circulation in all cases SS wanted that effected that people could only feel themselves secure if they did really absolutely nothing what the SS probably would have disliked!!! Ladies and Gents, that point is much to important than I should do work it out in another way than with greatest possible accuracy. Especially - honestly, I got the clou myself only 1 hour ago - that matter offers relations to others, especially to cases of torture-murders, of vanishing of prisoners and of sexual abuse of prisoners in JVA (prisons) of NRW Minister of Justice, Roswitha Mueller-Piepenkoetter, CDU. Indeed the effect of keeping people in fear of "Schutzhaft" has had one base more than only it´s use by pure disposal: "Schutzhaft" wasn´t used in normal prisons, but only in the KZ and wasn´t a normal imprisonment at all: Declared aim of "Schutzhaft" in the KZ like Dachau was to destroy the "Schutzhäftlinge", the prisoners of protective custody, by all means up to murder. And, that is really true: Roswitha Mueller-Piepenkoetter has done a lot to cause fear of getting into her JVA (prisons). All by coincident? There are many more meaningful matters that tell of the same systematic. You will see, if State´s Protection will not take me out of circle before, I promise that! Here is - only in German language yet - the first article that deals with Schaeubles "Vorbeugehaft" / preventive custody: . The next thing I will do in internet is translating that to English, but first I have to sleep and to do some other important things. The more eyes look at me, the more secure I can feel! With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists, Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 18th of October, 10.08 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! Firstly I want to welcome South Corea, who had been on freegermany.de within the last 24 hours, three visits related to 399 hits mean interest, and we are glad of that! The ratio of US-visits to German visits is 0.98 now, and 42 countries have been on freegermany already in this month. That is an incentive for me to keep on working for Your information and of course we hope that we can convince all of You that there is no other way for mankind than to change the direction, not fight against one another, but to fight in community for the sake of all! I am not able to write all things in US-Sobottka-English (US-English would be an exaggeration...) at once I would like to present You, but as longer I will live and live in freedom the more I will be able to write: Newer guests may not know that we Anarchists have the know how about conditioning, that we know that there is no human being really evil in it´s deepest soul, and so we know that there is basically no debt: We do not demand punishment if anyone is ready for reason and catharsis. So even the evilst criminales should know that everyone can get a really useful chance if he should finish doing crimes. I don´t no any others who could say to think so and who have the knowledge to reset any human being´s attitudes to the base of born social schema without long procedures and without hurting. The topic I am working on is the parallelism of CDU/CSU-interior politics and the politics of Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the SD (Sicherheitsdienst / Security Service) and second man in Himmler´s SS behind Himmler himself. To document the parallelism I use quotations of a book about the SS that may be the accepted standard work as well in Germany and in the U.S.A.: "The Order Of the Death´s Head" by Heinz Hoehne on the one hand, on the other hand I use quotations of the leading politicians of CDU and CSU and proofs of the laws they have made and they are going to make. Even if I have to work out those things yet and that will need some time so I can state that the spirit of Heydrich´s Security Service SD is clearly to recognize in the interior politics of CDU and CSU, so clear that no one can deny. I hope for Your understanding that the necessary translations need some times. That matter doesn´t allow anything other than accurate working. No one shall be allowed to blame me for defaming German politicians by using manipulated translations. I am not SS. Here You can have a look at the begin of my collection of translated quotations, not only German Anarchists think spontaneously of Wolfgang Schaeuble and Wolfgang Bosbach, both CDU, when they read that: Before my day will be over I will have published the first collection about Wolfgang Schaeuble, Interior Minister of FRG, CDU. With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka
18th of October, 00.57 am German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I have translated a part of an article about the story of earlier lawyer Claus Plantiko and have just published it here, amongst Specials. You can reach that new and really meaningful "Claus Plantiko, Chapter 2" also directly from here: The ratio of US-visits to German-visits in this month has been at 0.953 at last, all German Anarchists are very glad of that developement! But German State´s Protection doesn´t seem to be glad of that, they have blocked my access to Avira / Antivir again so that I cannot update. By the way: I have had a phone-talk with Claus Plantiko, the first one for several months. The breaches of law against him are continued, and he isn´t allowed to work as a lawyer yet. Keep on visiting freegermany.de daily, and You will get more and more insights into the true spirit of FRG´s and Austrian states! Next time some things about Himmler´s SS and the FRG-SS of today! With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka
17th of October 2009, 9.32 pm German Time Wonderful Woman, dear Men! Last weeks I have slept much too less, so I am very tired and don´t know how much I will write this night. The common work with our hackers to place articles in the search-engines is easier at night when the predominent part of the SS-FRG-Internet-Force is sleeping... But there is a story I rembered today and I thought I should tell You that story. Around 2 years ago I talked to an older man who stood in the same queue at a supermarket´s cashpoint. I often talk to people I don´t know, that wasn´t unusual. In a lot of cases I start such talks with: "Germany needs a revolution!" 15 years ago people looked strangely when I said that, but in the last years that has changed. People use to agree. So did that older man, and we had a nice talk, not only in the supermarket: Both we had to go home, our ways were nearly the same. I asked him whether he would use internet, he said he wouldn´t have an internet-pc. He didn´t look like a millionair, but he didn´t look as a poor man, too. I told him that internet use wouldn´t cost very much and would be very easy. He said his son would work as an internet-expert and would have offered him often to implement him an internet-pc for free. But, so he said, when he would use internet then German state would know what he thinks, and so he better wouldn´t use internet. That man was a pure German, around 70 years old and surely neither a member of El Kaida nor of any other terror-organization. Surely he wasn´t crazy, there are clear reasons for his fear: One main aspect of the political discussion of the last years is the buildup of a police state, and laws have changed more and more, new laws as the BKA-law (BKA = Bundeskriminalamt, nearly the same as the FBI in the USA) are attacks to civil rights. It is not a lie: Many people in Germany who know this domain would not dare to read here. The atmosphere in Germany is an atmosphere of fear. You may think: "As long as Sobottka can write so free..." But the situation is another one: This domain is registered in Danmark. It would be impossible to keep this domain registered in Germany, every hoster would block it. And I have to be on the guard all the time: For years they are trying to throw me into psychiatrie, several times I have been threatened on the street, and there were several attempts to lure me into a trap as I am sure. There have been a lot of mysterious deaths and vanishings of people in FRG. German people who know me and what I am doing tell me I would be the No. 1 on German State´s blacklist. You´ll find no one else neither in Germany nor in Austria who dares to report like me. That is the truth, and there are living around 90 millions of people in both countries altogether. With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 16th of October 2009, 10.40 p.m. German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! My beloved Sisters and Brothers of United Anarchists have given me several hints that I should begin publishing the cases of murder to Nadine O. and of the Austrian long-time prisoner Juan Carlos Bresofsky-Chmelir to Your kind information. I have written to them it would be better to give You some other informations before that cause it would be too hard to understand those cases without having some knowledge about the true spirit of German/Austrian justice and police. There would be no problem for me to give You a lot of stuff that would let You understand - in German language. But the problem is to offer You stuff in English and there is no stuff like that up to now. So I have to translate - and even if I am not really good in English, sometimes I take an unsuitable preposition or something like that, so it is really very important to translate the substance as exactly as possible. So work really accurately and offer You my translations that way that You should be able to prove that they are right by using LEO-Dictionary in internet or something like that. Of course that way needs a lot of work, but the matter is so much important that I don´t want to take any risk of misunderstandings by working uncleanly. Here is the next article, of course I will all articles offer using an intelligent directory later: With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer! Winfried Sobottka Wonderful Women, dear Men! The statements of age-relatedly retired ex-jugdge Frank Fahsel had found great interest by You as I can see regarding the statistics. Some of You may think: "Is that possible? Wouldn´t other judges open their mouths, if the words of Frank Fahsel were true?" You can be sure that Frank Fahsel has had good reasons to write that letter to the editor of the "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" only after having retired. And the clear words of Frank Fahsel document that he had lived decades in anger about that what he had to see every day but couldn´t prevent. Frank Fahsel had never been a comfortable judge for his justice, he had fought against the state several times. But he saw limits he didn´t dare to touch. But when he had retired he obviously had the drive to say very clear words: His words are an absolutely crushing judgement about FRG-Justice. And that matches with the experiences of a lot of others. Of course that criminal system of FRG Justice (in Austria it is just the same) couldn´t work without synchronization of justice, advocacy and medias: Lawyers are accomplices or do not dare to opponent at least. And the latter is not the case by coincidence: SS-FRG fights opponents against it´s criminal acting down by criminal acting - it is the same as it has been in the Third Reich or in the Soviet Union: Critics are pushed away by attesting them mental illness for instance, in cases of critical lawyers the usual instrument of SS-FRG-Justice. That is a really horrible threat to all lawyers: That way they get banned from their profession! And so they don´t dare to opponent - one condition for the unlimited delinquency of SS-FRG-Justice! I will write more about that, but a first article, concerning ex-lawyer Friedrich Schmidt, Bernkastel-Kues, You can already read: Step by step I will give You the proofs that FRG = SS-FRG and that Austria = SS-Austria, both ruled by the same SS! With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottla
16th of October 2009, 16.36 German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I am very glad about the big interest in the articles about German SS in past and present, about the interest in the article about Frank Fahsel as well in German as in English. After I will have completed the basic construction of this page I will continue with publishing articles about German State´s crimes and the SS. I am very delighted not at least because of the clear interest of US-visitors, the mean ratio (per month) of US-visits to German visits on freegermany.de, traditionally around 0.67, has increased to 0.92 in the last days, the number of visits in total has increased, too (184 in average per day at the end of yesterday in this month). German State´s Protection seems not to be glad, they are blocking my access to Avira / Antivir for two days now so I can´t update. Usually our greatful hackers of United Anachists solve that problem within hours for me, it is not the first time, on the other hand it is not easy to attack my PC successful cause I never (!) use the administrator´s level so attacks usually cannot hit the system-level. On the other hand nothing is impossible, and those of You who think that any articles here are really worthy to remain in internet should make copies. Of course it is allowed to copy evrything You find on freegermany.de and to publish it by Yourself. With kindest reagards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 15th of October 2009, 10.22 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! Some time ago, I think it should have been at least two years, I had written to my anarchic Sisters and Brothers that we all could be very glad because of the existence of the U.S.A. That didn´t and doesn´t mean that we could sing "Everything is good in America" by heart. There have been and there are happening a lot of things in responsibility of the U.S.A. we criticize very hardly. But there are some things much better in the U.S.A. than in Germany and in Europe: Firstly the U.S.A. don´t fear Germany and they do not depend on Germany. There is no one in Germany who could take a phone, call anyone in the U.S.A. and tell him: "If You will not do this and that, then You will have to suffer hard consequences!" Secondly there is much more freedom of information in the U.S.A. I want to clarify that by two examples: When a US-politicians has been seen together with a prostitute then he can read that in the papers next day morning. That is really important - sexual dependence is the strongest chain of slavery, so that instrument is often used to manipulate politicians. But in Germany you do never read or hear about such things - German journalists pretend such matters would be the private affairs of the politicians. Private matters of the politicians if their ability to act independent is in danger or already lost? No, that mustn´t be taken as their private affairs! The other example: In 2000 or 2001 You could read in the New York Observer and other papers not only that George W. Bush, US-President at that time, was a member of Skull & Bones, but that this Order would practice satanic rituals, too. You can take it as absolutely excluded that a German media would report about it if any German politician would be convictable as a member of a satanic Order. Even the story of Bush and Skull & Bones had not been really presented by German media - but it was spread in German internet as a consequence of the publishings in the U.S.A. One difference between Germany and the U.S.A. seems to be that Germany endured a very cruel haunting of Democrats, Soicialists and other fighters against Fashism, so the brave peoples were murdered or settlede down in foreign countries, while such a "Cleaning" never took place in the U.S.A. So brave peoples there survived, got children and educated them in the right way. Another difference seems to be that the German population so far it is rich/powerful is much more homogeneous than the elite of money and power in the U.S.A. If You regard that elite in Germany You see the effect of Hitler´s and Himmler´s doing: Aryans according to the measure of Hitler and Himmler. The elite of money and power in the In the U.S.A. however is mixed: A cocktail of different nations and religions. So it doesn´t wonder that in Germany dominates a homogeneous spirit on the side of the elite of power and money so that elite is united in all basic matters, while the inhomogeneity of the elite of power/money in the U.S.A. prevents that kind of unity and guarantees a certain protection against dictatorship. Of course there have been and there are evil crimes of state in the U.S.A., too, but in all those cases there are any politicians, any high judges, any medias and so on who say: "No! That isn´t right!" But in Germany the really worsest crimes are surpressed, their is no politician, no judge and no media who would say: "No! That isn´t right!" That is the situation, and it is really true that Germany including Austria needs help by righteous and brave U.S.-Americans. Not help by giving money, but help by spreading informations and making economical and political pression. We will be lost without that help. Please look daily at this page and please inform others! Tonight I will work on this page, I will give my best to give You good and interesting informations! Our highest deity is a Goddess - according to the rules of natural human life. You can call her "Freedom", "Liberty" or, which is the same, "Anarchy". So let me say to You: Goddess bless the U.S.A.! With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka 14th of October 2009, 01.43 pm German Time Wonderful Women, dear Men! I am glad to welcome You to freegermany.de and I am sure that You will get insights the medias in Europe would never give You. The words of the ex-judge Frank Fahsel are really correct: Those among You speaking German can find a lot of proofs for that by using KINDERKLAU (robbery of children), CLAUS PLANTIKO, WILLKÜRJUSTIZ (disposal of justice) or a lot of other search-keys on Google. But even the German peoples do not really know about that in most cases: They use Internet to buy or sell on Amazon or to use online-products of the mass-medias or anything else - as long as they are not victims of the pervert system theirself. There is a lag of social responsibility as well as a lack of braveness. All that are results of systematical brain-washing and damaging of social structures. The robbery of children from intact families by the state is obviously part of the systematical damaging of social structrures: In cases of child abuse German state uses to look away. Critics were terrorized by the state, and, if they are confirmed, often thrown into psychiatrie. In best SS-tradition Psychiatrie in Germany is an instrument of totalitarianism. Some of You may think: "The Federal Republic of Germany should do what the Soviet-Union had done? Impossible!" You will get the proofs here, tomorrow I will have finished two pages containing documents of two cases including translations, one of them is just under work: But that is not the most evil doing of FRG State, and the same concerns Austrian State. Step by step I will present here cases which You may think to be impossible in Germany and Austria. Should there be any journalists among You, we were very glad if they wanted to report and I would give best support. With kindest regards by the name of United Anarchists Your sincer Winfried Sobottka
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