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Translation of that text You see left hand, German written in blue, English in black: 


Schäuble hatte in einem "Spiegel"-Interview gesagt: "Man könnte...bestimmte Auflagen für jemand erlassen, den man nicht abschieben kann, etwa ein Kommunikationsverbot im Internet oder mit dem Handy."


Schaeuble had said in an interview to the „Spiegel“: „You could... make it special conditions for those You cannot deport, for instance a prohibition of communication in internet or by handy.”



Es stelle sich auch die Frage, ob Gefährder vorbeugend interniert werden könnten. "Den so genannten Unterbindungsgewahrsam gibt es ja jetzt schon, zum Beispiel für Hooligans bei Fußballspielen, wenn auch in engen rechtlichen Grenzen", sagte der Minister.


Also there would be the question whether endangerer could be detained preventively. “The so called  preventive custody is even realized yet, for instance for Hoologans at soccer matches, even if in closely legal limits only.”

Als Gefährder stufen die Sicherheitsbehörden potenzielle Attentäter etwa aus dem Islamisten-Milieu ein. Es handelt sich um Menschen, bei denen zwar Anhaltspunkte vorliegen, dass sie in die Planung von Anschlägen verwickelt sein könnten, bei denen die Hinweise aber nicht für die Einleitung eines förmlichen Ermittlungsverfahrens ausreichen.


The security bureaus describe potential assassins for instance of the Islamists´ milieu as  endangerers. It is a matter of people regarding those there are indications they could have to do with the planning of terroristic attacks, while those indications do not suffice for the initiation of formale preliminary proceeding.

 The monstrous intentions of FRG Minister of Interior, Wolfgang Schäuble (Schaeuble), CDU, Part I


WELT-ONLINE, the online edition of a big nationwide German newspaper, had published an article handling with an interview that Wolfgang Schäuble (Schaeuble), FRG´s Minister of Interior, CDU,  had given the German magazine "Der Spiegel" on 09th of July 2007. You see a part of that article I have taken by screenshot below, that article is to access by using:

The full interview has been published by the FRG-Ministry of Interior in internet:

But I have prefered to use a part of the "WELT-ONLINE" article instead of the original interview because there is given an explanation of the term "Gefährder" /endangerer, too,  that Schäuble didn´t define in the interview itself. Nevertheless explantion given by "WELT-ONLINE" MUST be that one of Schaeuble: Firstly "WELT-ONLINE" will not have taken that explanation out of the air, secondly there could be no want for the intentioned "Vorbeugehaft" / preventive custody if such "Gefährder" / endangerers would fulfill the conditions that would allow to initiate formale formale preliminary proceedings against them!!!

Lünen, FR-Germany, 19th of October 2009, Winfried Sobottka