I am busy: http://freegermany.de/matthias-lang-erlangen/presse/overview.html
4th of November 2009, 06.49 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! There are some problems concerning Dr. Norbert Plandor who is my lawyer, problems which endanger me really. Please forgive me that I feel unable to write about that in English now, it would take too much time and I a have to use full concentration for those steps that are really necessary. Anyway there cannot be any doubt they have threatend him - there is no other explanation for his doing and for his behaviour towards me. Obviously they have made pression to Kuklinski, to Lehmann, to Olbers, to Womblog - and they had defamed Plandor in internet and appealed to him he should better let me crash against the wall some months ago. Up to now he has played SS-Satanistīs dear kid and should he continue that they will need only four weeks to put me into psychiatrie. I will write about that later in German language, as I will write about Womblog, too. Be prepared for everything and that isnīt directed to the hackers only. All of You should have taken which point is getting nearer and nearer: Should they switch me off without paying a price that is much too high judged by their own feelings than all of You will have to be their slaves: No one would ever dare to open his mouth, whatever they would do. I love you!
Your! winfried 3rd of November 2009, 09.40 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! I feel much better after having made up my mind not to feel responsible for those silly fuckers anymore. That doesnīt mean I wouldnīt write to You any more, that doesnīt mean I would never publish anything, that means I will do what I want without feeling any pression. You all know that I have fought very hardly and much more than all who demand to be critics together. No one is allowed to blame me. The matter womblog.de I think should be cleared in a better way than it is up to now. Those fucking cowards and ass lickers should be outet in a better way and that seems to be important indeed: They have proved that they arenīt of any use on the way of changing and there are a lot of people who think they were useful and so they hope for change by them. All people should understand that SS-Satanists are hitting dead any attempt of effectively peaceful resistance, my doing has given the proof for that for more than 3 years. They are ruling by fear, and only fear can break their rule.
I love You! Your! winfried
3rd of November 2009, 00.21 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! There is no chance for changing, it is a fact that the people are too crazy, too silly and too anxious. All that has been proved for years. The Satanists let them "play" critics as far as they do not endanger the system, and always those "critics" go one step more they get a slash and shrink back at once. Look: They can everyone let shrink back who gives any signal to support my doing, and no one dares to defend me if "Das Gewissen" defames me in a very dirty way in public internet. I have taken that for more than three years, nothing has changed. The mother of Philipp J. collaborated with them even if I am sure that she knew better. The parents of Nadine Ostrowski are keeping quiet even if I am sure that they know better. Besides me there is absolutely no one who is fighting in that matter by own written/spoken accusations. You can be sure there will not be any rebellion if they will throw me into psychiatrie, there wouldnīt be any rebellion if I would burn myself in public as a mark of protest. They all are beneath human beings. I am unable to cognize any sense in continuing that, I am unable to hope for wonders. Regard which people ought to be informed up to now, whether they are politicians or whatever else! None of them has given the smallest hint she or he would think about to do anything! I have often blamed others for continuing strategies that had been proved as unsuccessful. That a murder like that to Nadine Ostrowski including the intentionally false sentencing of Philipp J. cannot move anyone although we have done a lot for informing a lot of people is the proof that this society is absolutely unable to rescue itself. And other countries? Polish politicians are licking the asses of the SS-Satanists as You can read in "Die Welt", U.S.-administration, Jews, Chinese administration, Russian administration, GB and so on - they are criminales like the SS-Satanists, too. As far as people have fear to make SS-Satanists annoyed and donīt fear any other thing more - as far there will not be any chance to hold the SS-Satanists up. OK? I love You! Your winfried 2nd of November 2009, 06.46 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Womblog has capitulated. Obviously it doesīnīt need more than an anonymous call to put all in fear who could probably cooperate with me: Kuklinski, Lehmann, Barthold Olbers, Womblog. What shall I do against that? As long as they keep me isolated that way as long there will be no breaking through, and as long there is no true risk for them to kill me by perversion of justice and breaches of law. That is the fact. You should think about the time after Winfried Sobottka: Perhaps You could whine on Womblog how bitchy state and society are . Winfried Sobottka 01rst of November 2009, 09.47 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Poland is crawling into the a**hole of the Germans as I have read in the "Die Welt": Germany would be so very great and Poland would try to go the German way.... At this time I feel more and more the efforts of the last years, feel more and more empty and think that anyhow all has been in vaine, as if I would have tried to teach an elephant in mathematics. I cannot understand all the people who are too crazy to cognize what is going on, who are partially screaming for decades and havenīt taken that will change nothing. I cannot understand those who are coward but are able to tell themselves they were brave and would do right. I cannot understand those who are hoping and hoping things would change in the right way but have no clue how a change should happen. Some are hoping the system will crash without any doing, the year 2012 is the year they hope for. The truth will be another one: Full dictatory in 2012, the preparations are already running. What shall I say to all that? By the way Stateīs Protection is cutting my line to Avira again, I really donīt know why they do that: Obviously they havenīt understood up to now that I can do whatever I want without any effect to the people. I love You, Your winfried 1rst of November 2009, 00.51 a.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Thanks to our Hackers, the Avira Update has been successful today! I think our Hackers may have taken notice that my line to politicalforum.com is disordered sometimes, I think I couldnīt write there without support of our hackers any more. By the way it isnīt really clear to me why German Stateīs Protection could be such interested in preventing me writing on politicalforums.com cause I cannot see that could give big effects. I have to look at some things and will translate a little in cases of Nadine Ostrowski before I will go to bed. I love You! Your! winfried 31rst of October 2009, 10.26 a.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! No Avira Update for three days... And it seems as if they would have tried to do anything concerning my IE which I need for composing web-sides in one.com. So I first could get access to one.com, then I used intentionally a wrong PW, and send it - and then IE was offline. I had to make a new start to get any access by IE while Google Chrome was online. I love You! Your winfried
30th of October 2009, 10.30 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! It is really unbelievable: http://www.freegermany.de/us-english/nadine-ostrowski/german-policemen-madmen.html I will write to You again tomorrow! I love You! Your! winfried 30th of October 2009, 04.35 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Yesterday Friedrich Schmidt has given me the promise he would take care for a good laywer to defend me if there would be true need for that, today Dr. Norbert Plandor and i had a short call and he told me he would offend the last two judgements from OLG-Hamm by "Gehörsrüge" (complaint that judges ignored declaimed facts) and by "Verfassungsbeschwerde" (complaint to the constitutional court of FRG). He told me that the doing of the OLG judges would be constitutionally curious/ curious in regard to the basics of constitutional law. So I think he will take that as a serious matter. Anyway that will lead to decisons of the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany) whatever they will look like. I love You! Your sincer winfried
29th of October 2009, 08.48 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! The fucker of Onlinezeitung24 tries to bother me by sending emails I donīt want to get. I think the SS-Satanists are doing nearly everything at this time to distract me from working those things I have to do. On the other hand it is really a problem that the case of murder to Nadine O. is a case I have written so very much about, all times absolutely alone but against greatest and evilst resistance of others so that there are problems of motivations to work on that. So I really need a short time-out in that matter. The Germans among us as far they have read my internet-entries already some years ago know that those who fought me were wondering zhat I hadīnt lost my head two years ago and the time since then wasnīt a peaceful time at all and of course there is no doubt that German justice is decided to eliminate me by any breaching of law that it needs. That doesnīt mean I would have any idea to give up but that means that I cannot work that way as if I would have lived in peace and happiness for the last years. It is a fuck that there is no other one who is prepared to fight without fear, it is a fuck that all others are to silly or to coward or both of it. I love You! Your! winfried 29th of October 2009, 00.11 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Cause You all are able to read English You may look on my postings on: if You would like to know what I have done in the last hours. This evening I am rather finished, anyhow I need a little recreation. I hope for Your understanding: I am not in the very best situation regarding my health and it may give effects that I am fighting longer and longer that way. I would like it so much to have a time for recreation, something like holidays, and knowing that others would fight in that time. But If I look at others... There is no pepper and no salt. I love You! Your! winfried 27th of October 2009, 10.22 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! The number of visits on freegermany.de in October 2009 has crossed the mark of 5.000 today. And I am doing in translations: http://freegermany.de/us-english/nadine-ostrowski/bvb-waz.html It is really unbelievable what shit You can tell the people. Some days before that they have told the public they had arrested a suspicious and had best proofs, amongst them the cable Nadine had been strangled with containing DNA-traces of the arrested. It is sheerly unbelievable how silly people are. I love You! Your! winfried 27th of October 2009, 07.03 a.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Here is an overview about the current state of my work concerning murder to Nadine Ostarowski in English: http://freegermany.de/us-english/nadine-ostrowski/overview.html It is to consider that the attempt to translate exactly need really much time: How would those of You who know German language translate: "gut drei Wochen später" or "er schlug ihr gegen den Kopf" ? "gegen den Kopf" is another thing than "on her head"! It means "in her face" in this special case, but You cannot translate it to that without changing the meaning of the spoken words! By the way - regarding the pictures of Noor Inayat Khan - what a difference to that dirty Dr. Roggenwallner who hadnīt dared to look into the objective of the camera when he was photographed for the image on his HP! Looking at the pictures of Noor Inayat Khan You feel her alive, looking just at You, telling You "You can get it!" (left hand) and "Do it! Straight on!" (right hand). One woman of that kind counts more than thousand devils. Perhaps it is the most convincing proof for the craziness of the SS that they killed such women. I love You! Your! winfried
27th of October 2009, 03.28 a.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! I have lost a lot of time in the last days by getting calls and by writing in U.S-forums, but nothing of that was absolutely senseless. Perhaps there will be a cooperation with a club of human rights. That would mean some work without payment, but publishing of my articles on itīs pages, too. It is that one: http://homepage.hamburg.de/menschenrechtsbund/ We shall see. Today I was somehow delighted to get the following PN on a US-Forum: http://freegermany.de/usa-forums/private-message-27-october-2009.html I think that should be the proof that my English in internet (not without any instruments for my support...) is good enough to get understood. Now I will translate some things but do nothing else before sleeping. I love You! Your winfried 26th of October 2009, 07.10 p.m. German Time DearSisters and Brothers! Obviously I had accused the SS-Satanists wrongly, the page polishforums.com had been inactive as I know now. I do not feel really fine, there is something not OK about me. I hope I will be able to īcontinue working on the matter murder to Nadine Ostrowski but, honestly, I feel very tired. I love You! Your winfried 26th of October 2009, 00.50 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Those satanic fuckers are blocking my access to www.polishforums.com . I think it should be rather clear why they do so. I have to do several things and will work in internet later. I love You! Your winfried 25th of October 2009, 10.57 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Translation would be the shit of a fly if I would manage English as well as German, but I am really far away from that. And of course it is sure that any mistake in translation would offer an opportunity for attack and of course the Satanists would try to make a general denial of all translated proofs out of that. So there are a lot of cases I have some problems to find out which English term comes nearest to a German term I want to get translated, for instance in cases like "Verdeckungsmord" which I have translated to "murder because of concealment", now I think "because of intended concealment" (not "intentioned" as I thought first) would be better and I will change that very soon. http://freegermany.de/us-english/nadine-ostrowski/no-traces-no-1-the-prosecutor.html If I will do that job really well there will be diverse opportunities to use that as I think. But I do not intend to write about that at this time, You will know why not. But of course there is a lot to do for that. I love You! Your! winfried 25th of October 2009, 04.53 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Obviously the servants of the Satanists in US-forums have never had experiences with a forum-fighter like me, furthermore not all forums there seem to play the dirty game of the Satanists such obviously as German and Austrian forums do. That doesnīt mean that there would be no attempts to fight me down by dirty instruments, but there are some forums at least where information seems possible, and in one case there are hints that the leadership of the forum has no problems concerning my entries. I have published about the murder to Nadine O.: http://www.usmessageboard.com/law-and-justice-system/92642-murder-charge-against-germany.html Now I have to clean the stairways or I will get killed. Moving on! I love You! Your!!!!!!! winfried 25th of October 2009, 00.22 a.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! You shouldnīt think I wouldnīt work as well I can: http://freegermany.de/us-english/nadine-ostrowski/the-death-of-nadine-ostrowski.html There is nothing written in A/E about that case up to know, I have to translate all that what people have to know for understanding and furthermore to write overlays. And it is really much more work to translate German texts exactly than to write own thoughts down in A/E. And of course it is important that my translations in that case can stand any proof. I love You! Your! winfried 24th of October 2009, 10.49 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! I do not feel really well but after having chucked a lot of Ascorbinacid and Aspirin in the last days it seems to run a little better. There have been some attempts to make me busy concerning any affairs in the last weeks, some letters, today a call from a nut, obviously German Stateīs Protection donīt like it very well that I am going to publish about murder to Nadine Ostrowski in English. I have to work on that now, on the other hand I have to do a little in the U.S.-forums. I hope for Your understanding of my doing, I think we need that base and I think it also cannot be bad for US-Anarchy when I write in US-forums. I love You! Your! winfried UPS - Pardon: I was wrong concerning the login I have written about in the entry below! I have just remembered that I had changed the PW without documenting it... 23rd of October 2009, 02.53 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! I think there is something not going on right with me. Anyway I have problems in my throat (chucking), my pulse is accelerated, but there are no usual symptoms of an influenca or something like that, and I feel weak and tired. Yesterday I went to bed really early but around 3 oīclock at night I couldnīt sleep anymore. But I wasnīt concentrated enough to continue work on this domain, so I wrote some entries in a US-forum. When I just tried to login here it failed several times although the keyword was surely right. Then I demanded a new keyword (keyword forgotten) and that way it worked at last. I am going to eat anything and then I will go to bed. I love You! Your! winfried 22nd of October 2009, 09.52 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! I feel ill, I had been about to work on the case Nadine Ostrowski but I really cannot. I want to go to bed and sleep. I love You! Your winfried
21rst of October 2009, 05.54 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! SS-Satanistsī Justice is running amok agaisnt me, OLG-Hamm has made two adjudications that are the purest breach of law: They have rejected a complaint about Dr. Lasar as "expert" in my matter and they have declared judges as impartial who had made an adjudication to my disadvantage without any basic of law and in contrary even to conventions of human rights. I will publish about that by time. Now time is really short. I love You! Your! Winfried 21rst of October 2009, 00.05 a.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Stateīs protection is cutting my line to wordpress.com - login, obviously they donīt like the last two articles I have published there, both with the same content, but different headlines and tags: Furthermore they block my access to Avira again. Anyway there is no need for getting panic because I have to go to bed within the next hour. I love You! Your! winfried 20th of October 2009, 02.51 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! The forums in the U.S.A. are the same fuck as the forums in Germany, Yu can forget them really all. OK, that isnīt an unexspected result of experiences. politicalforum.com uses a specially perfidous was: My entries are published with a time lag of nearly day after moderation, but then set at that point in the threads whre they also would have appeared when they had been published without any time lag. That means that there are a lot of entries behind my entry when my entry gets published, so my entry is anywhere within that thread, not at the end. Furthermore a lot of writers there is spitting on me - I have no chance to react because of the time lags of publishing of my entries. Other forums refuse publishing, only one forum allows me to publish without moderation, but there are at least (as in the other forums, too) 20 writers who have nothing else to do than destroying any discussion. The situation is not the best concerning the information of public, and as far You can inform public is seems not to be of any use: people donīt dare to act in any way that could probably be disliked by the power elite. I think we will not be able to change the direction and the direction should be clear. I will make documentations in the following weeks and a little bit more, but I will not try to get the impossible. I love You! Your! winfried 19th of October 2009, 05.34 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Today is the birthday of my eldest brother - he has gotten 67 years old. I have neither seen nor talked to him for years, the same concerning my others saiblings with the exception of my sister - I saw her some days ago in a supermarket. She didnīt look happyily, she looked demoralizedly. We all loved one another in early times, they werenīt bad saiblings for me. But nowadays they are full of errors and frustration, emaciated by running for a target they can never get because they are running into the wrong dircetion for decades. What they had been and what they have got to be is one of a lot of proofs for me that this kind of society is a society of the Devil. We have to kill him, we have to kill the Devil. I love You! Your! winfried
18th of October 2009, 11.30 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Ratio US-visits to German visits is 0.98, the situation in US-forums seems not be much better than in German forums, and of course it the same actor who is responsible: Capitalism. Research needs a lot of time even if the results are poor, and so I have to write something now for this HP as well for the German and for the English part. I hope for Your understandig that I write only these few words to You now! I love You! Your! winfried 17th of October 2009, 02.40 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! I can say that the decision to start an own subdomain in US-Sobottka-English was obviously right: 252 visits yesterday, a sigificant higher level in the last week than before, already 50 visits at 04.26 am German Time today - I think it is clear that there is interest. I am really convinced that SS-FRG and SS-Republic-Austria are the leading countries in forcing ultra-capitalism and getting domination worldwide by an elaborated strategy. And I am really sure that those examples canīt get the favor of anyone whose soul isnīt really ill yet. I think: 1. US-Internet offers much more chances to inform public world-wide than German internet, and I think it maight be possible that US- or other medias will take our ball concerning outing FRG and Austria: Us medias have reported about Bush and Skull & Bones, they do not fear reporting about German SS. 2. The relationship between unlimited capitalism and any striving for worldwide leadership cannot be documented in a better way than by documenting the reality of SS-FRG and SS-Austria, and so it should be possible to make clear what the true enemy of mankind is: Striving for richdom and power. I will write much later on the US-Sobottka-English subdomain, I have to do really important things our my female neighbour will scratch my eyes out.... I love You! Your! winfried 17th of October 2009, 02.52 a.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Much thanks to our wonderful hackers - I feel anyhow better when getting my Avira-updates... The number of visits yesterday at 09.59 p.m. has been 226, the mean duration 3.03 minutes, 5.96 pages in average, the ratio US : German has been 0.909. At the same time the number of october-visits was 2.991 and the mean of daily visits 186 in October, to regard that yesterday left 2 hours to the dayīs end. It seems whether there would be interest. I know that I have to work cleverly (so far I can ... But what for do I have ingenious Sisters and Brothers who are the best experts in all matters of IT? I love You! Your!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! winfried 16th of october 2009, 11.48 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Bothers! I know very well that You are waiting for publishings about murder to Nadine O. and about Juan Carlos Bresofsky-Chmelir in US-Sobottka-English. And of course I will publish about that very soon, but I think it may be a clever doing to establish some conditions of understanding before that. For that purpose I have to publish some other things first, on the one hand short, an the other impressive. You all know hat arguments are not in all cases able to let the peoples understand, that might not only be valid concerning German peoples. It could be a hastily missed chance if I would present those cases that are so important for us without having given an introduction of German Justice and Police. The numbers of visits is good at this time, today there were 179 at 06.59 p.m. German Time, ratio US : German 0.92. The update of Avira doesnīt work yet, but what shall I do? I can only publish but not prevent any risk. I love You! Your! winfried
16th of October 2009, 04.54 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! The meant ratio US-visits to German-visits is the mean in this month - that means of course that there have been more US-visits than German visits in the last days! It would be very nice when our hackers would make my line to aviry free! I love You! Your! winfried
16th of October 2009, 02.14 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! They are blocking my access to Avira again, last update two days ago. Furthermore they had obiously attacked my line when I was on http://anarchy.freegermany.de again: The content of the last article was first rejected, when I tried to save again it worked. The numbers of visits is high yet, on 14th of October there were 211 vistis, yesterday at 05.37 p.m. (last recor) there have been 137 visits. The ratio US : German has increased to 0,9. I feel anyhow sick, perhaps I have gotten an influenca, perhaps I have only gotten to less sleep in the last weeks. I love You! Your winfried
15th of October 2009, 09.33 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Now I have gotten newer statistics: From yesterday, 01.59 p.m.. Here are the daily numbers of this month at that time: http://freegermany.de/statistics/october/daily-14-oct-01-59-pm.html This month is the best in this year until now, especially the last 7 days were really good in average. But the Alexa-%-number has sunken from 0.00005 to 0.00002 for the last 7 days. By the way the mean-time of duration is good, too: 3.08 minutes. But why shouldnīt they use Alexa for lies if they lie everywhere they can? The ratio of US-visits to German visits is 0.89! Regarding Germans I cannot have any respect anymore - with the exception of our hackers and only a very few others. It hurts me to call them "Wonderful Women and dear Men!", I cannot do that anymore: They are all that what I would be ashamed of if I were it, that is really true. I love You! Your! winfried PS: I will work on: http://www.freegermany.de/us-english/omega.html in the next hours.
15th of October 2009, 00.37 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! The statisticsī-program of one.com doesnīt really work yet, the last record that was counted on freegermany.de had contains datas from 11:56:50 10/13/09 . That is not a base for controlling my doing, that is fuck only. I can only assume they may have reached limits because of an increasing stock of customersī domains, the statisticsī problems have become more and more in the last months. I will write here again later this day. I love You! Your! winfried
14th of October 2009, 01.51 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! I have taken notice: The case of Nadine Ostrowski and Philipp J. as well as the case of Juan Carlos Bresofsky-Chmelir will be key aspects for my activities in A/E. You will understand that I have to change procedural methods, I have to think about some parameters, and there are several reasons that I have to go consideratedly and not always at full speed. So I will write once a day in the next couple of days, but I think that should be enough: There is nothing on the run at this time, and I canīt aim at a qick breakthrough all the time. It would kill me and produce problems in all other parts of my life. In cases of problems I will write here at once, if that should not be possible I will try the blogs anarchy.freegermany.de and on WordPress. I love You! Your! winfried
13th of October 2009, 11.48 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Here I am constructing - You will see the progresses if You like to do: http://freegermany.de/us-english/omega-new-design.html
An here You can have a look at the visits of the last days, last record 1.59 a.m. on 13th of October/ of today (obviously the statisticsī program of one.com is opertaing at itīs limits in the last weeks - too much user?): http://freegermany.de/statistics/october/13-oct-2009-last-record-01-59-am.jpg You see that there is no reason for a decreasing Alexa-number in the last days, the numbers are contrary to that! I love You! Your! winfried
13th of October 2009, 09.55 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Regarding the statistics of the last days, including the inter-results of visits in the early German morning I have to tell You that our propaganda in the internets of Poland and Czech had no effect, in France, Great Britain and the Netherlands had a very louzy effect, but even if there were only two articles set in US-Internet that action shows effects! The relation German visits to US-visits is usually around 1 : 0,66, it decreased to 1 : 0,88 ! The number of visits in the last three days was significantly higher than in the days before, You can see that here (second Screenshot from the top - datas of 12 October were taken before the day was over - at 05.46 p.m.!): The increasing of visits bases upon an increasing of US-visits only. The search for an explanation for the different reactions in the USA on the one hand and in other countries on the other hand seems to offer the following possible reasons: 1. Internet is much more spread/used in the USA than in the other countries, especially than in Poland and Czech. 2. All people in the USA understand (even my.... 3. The key YMCA which was used in combination with US-townsī-names was a better choice than the keys used in the other countries. 4. The European People are shocked/ get fear if they hear/read the name SS, while US-peoples may think: "Germany is far away, and if SS should make trouble then we will knock them out again." XXXXXXXXXXXX has made some capital mistakes: He had done a lot for the layout, nothing could be good enough, but much too less for the contents. A lot of buttons on his pages like www.weltgigant.de lead to nothing than to a refresh of the page. Furthermore he didnīt think about that what visitors would like to read - he has his own story and that one of Christian Schaeffer and that makes his stuff. I donīt think that people who visit his page will do that a secind, a third, a fourth time. I do not intend to make the same or similar mistakes: I have to build a better base in US-("Sobottka") English before I will start a wide propaganda in US-Internet. I will make it similar to the German page on freegermany.de/omega.html and will write there daily - that also means I will reduce my writing special to Anarchists who do not speak German, only special informations to our community I will write here after having established a capable A/E-page. By the way Alexa seems to be an object of manipulation: This morning there was a number of 0.00005 for the last seven days of freegermany.de, when I looked some minutes ago that number was 0.00002... Obviously the SS-Satanist donīt like the developements in the statistics of freegermany. Moving on! I love You! Your! winfried 13th of October 2009, 05.49 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Yesterday the number of visits on freegermany.de has crossed the mark of 60.000, some days before the number of hits has crossed the mark of 1.000.000, each since the 2nd of August 2008 which has been the start of this domain: Even if there is nothing to read in the newspapers about freegermany.de, even if there are only around 170 visits a day at this time, so I donīt think that this domain misses any effects. The strong interest of foreign counries, the exponed readership - that are facts that play a role in the thinking of German leaders. The more I report about SS-crimes, the more others read that, the more German leaders are keen to avoid giving me stuff for that kind of uncovering. Of course I am not able to hold a candle to Noor Inayat Khan regarding her morality and her braveness ("reiche nicht an sie heran, was... betrifft"), but anyhow my doing is alike her doing had been: Only a few people knew about her doing, but those people had power. The people who look at freegermany.de have very powerful connections. So it is much better to get around 170 visits a day by such exponed visitors than getting 100.000 visits today by any blockheads only. Of course that doesntīt mean the situation would be the best, of course we must reach more and more people. Of course that would be much easier if I could get support, there are too much things to do for me alone. That way I have become the bottleneck in our internet-fight, but I am not able to change that. Those of You who speak German may have taken notice of Rosinaverde: She came up in internet, wrote about a group to which she would belong, anf declared that group would powerfully fight against crimes of Austrian state in future. She wrote some articles, and now there seems to be nothing more. We have to handle that, but I cannot compensate for missing any support in inquest and writing by others: The attempt could kill me, but could not reach the target of compensation. I love You! Your! winfried 12th of October 2009, 11.37 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! The information I had given to the photo of Dr. Sigmund Rascher and the baby in his arms was obviously wrong. Dr. Rascher had been one of the cruelst killer among the SS-medics, but it seems as if he hadnīt killed children. That baby might have been an adopted son, his wife had been steril. Dr. Rascher is well known and You can find a lot about him in American/English in internet, too. By accidence I took notice of the story of Noor Inayat Khan and I was deeply moved as well as glowing at once. She was a Moslem, but I think she was an Anarchist in the deepest bottom of her heart. Anyway she had proved highest bravery for the highest purpose, a lot of fighters have to thank her for not getting betrayed to the Gestapo. No one who has not proved what she has proved can say he would act in the same glorious way. That woman lets us now how low we are. I will supplement that list by time, but as I didnīt know Noor Inayat Khan until today I īsurely donīt know all others who should be parts of that list. Up to now I know only one name more: Sophie Scholl. How far away from them are the coward and despicable societies of today! How far away from them are we? I love You! Your! winfried
12th of October 2009, 01.52 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Here the total statistics per yesterday at 11.44 p.m. for freegermany.de: http://freegermany.de/statistics/october/total-11-oct-2009-11-44-pm.jpg Today the number of 60.000 since start of freegermany.de on 2nd of August 2008 should get crossed. Time is short at this moment, later I will write more. I love You! Your! winfried 12th of October 2009, 02.56 a.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! I am unsure how to act in foreign internet up to now, I know nothing about the usersī customs and so on. So I am thinking and trying a little and waiting for a brain-wave. The numbers of visits in anarchisten-boulevard have sunken down to 70 per day in average this month, last month it were around 120. But yesterday there were 142 visits before the day was over. It is not easy to cognize any systematics. I am going to finish now and go to bed very soon - I have to stand up in the morning yet and then I have to do a lot. I love You! Your winfried
11th of October 2009, 10.43 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! I know very well that there are thounsands of things I should do because they are important. Donīt think I would be lazy, the matter is that I need a lot of time for things You may think I would do it in a minute, for instance: Please click at me! My attention is the following: Some impressive proofs related to translations to A/E shall make it clear that there is a solid basement for my accusations, furthermore I will document words of others and translate them. For instance words of others about Claus Plantiko, Christian Schäffer and so on. Going that way I am able to keep the volumen of translations small, that is an advantage concerning three points: Firstly I have to translate a minimum only, secondly the stuff will be shortly written and in a short time to read, thirdly it will/would spend an advantage in cases of translation to other languages. Beloved Sisters and Brothers, the SS-Satanists donīt like what we are doing. Our wonderful hackers are asked to keep guard my lines very well and all of You are asked to make copies of all - also of the used images/documents! I love You! Your! winfried 11th of October 2009, 08.44 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Regarding the generals Patton and Montgomery my judgement is ambivalent. On one hand it has been an advantage of Montgomery that he gave his best to bring as many of his soldiers back home in health, on the other hand I feel what it was that forced Patton to fight without regarding own losts. Patton had been beside himself with rage, he knew that he was fighting against the Devil himself. He was that one who forced all inhabitants of Dachau near Munich to visit the KZ of Dachau and to see with their own eyes what unbelievable and dirty crimes Germany stood for. If there should be anyone among You who doesnīt really know what SS and SS-Satanism means, who doesnīt really know who is our enemy and against what we are fighting, so please look at this: Should I ever be forced to use violence against SS-Satanists then I will remember that picture. And by that I will be a horrible enemy for anyone. Moving on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love You! Your! winfried 10th of October 2009, 10.09 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! "Bomm-Bomm-Bomm... Hier ist London...." ("Here is London...") To hear that from the radio could mean deportation into a KZ and death, that had been the beginning of the BBC-News for Germans in NAZI-Germany. My parents couldnīt get those news - they had a peopleīs receiver only, a cheap radio of NAZI-mass-production that offered receiving only in a special wave band, that one for NAZI-propaganda. But my Uncle Eduard Sobottka had a better radio... Of course he didnīt hear London very often - he surely prefered the news from Radio Moscow. But sometimes, so I am sure, he may have heart Radio London, too. Only because it was forbidden by the NAZIS, Great Britain was an imperialistic state of Capitalism at last, and on the other hand my Great-Uncle. Gustav Sobottka, Uncle Eduardīs Uncle, had been in the Soviet Union at that time, a member of the so called Group Ulbricht. You can say that Radio Moscow via Uncle Ede was the only source of information about Gustav Sobottka for his German acquaintances. I have decided to explore the options of making own radio per internet - pcs have gotten cheap, in two month there will be X-mas and there are some human beings who give me presents to X-mas. I think I can better speak than write - anyway faster and more impressive, speaking offers a greater pool of stilistic instruments. Of course I donīt see radio as a substitue for writing, but anyway as a potential good supplement to it. Wonderful Gitrls and Boys, the strategy of distributing aticles of the Anarchisten-Boulevard in the search-engines seems to be succesful: A lot of aticles contain a number of special LINKS to proof my statements about German state, the penultimate LINK in those articles is the following one: that is the first LINK in those articles that directs to freegermany, see as an example for those articles: And that LINK directing to a freegermany.de-site is a runner in the statistics of freegermany.de, nearly 500 hits in this months up to now. That means: The articles of Anarchisten-Boulevard are read with interest, even the fifth LINK is called by the readers. OK, I know that it is a very hard work. But toughness is necessary, we have to disturb walls of armored concrete (Stahlbeton) at last. Tough enough for the victory of Anarchy? Moving on ! I love You! Your!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! winfried 10th of October 2009, 06.07 a.m. German Time *** NEW ARTICLE in AMERICAN/ENGLISH on: http://utahbeach.wordpress.com *** Dear Sisters and Brothers! SS-Satanists have been successful in preventing me to get access to wordpress.com since I have saved the ARTICLE that is now the newest of the Utahbeach-Blog. Obviously they are getting really nervous, those poor girls and guys.... Sometimes I think they havenīt understood up to now what it means when Anarchists are dancing with the Devil: We are much more decided than him, and that makes only a part of the difference. Letīs them show the Woogy, the Anarchistsī Boogy! Weīre dancing in the Heaven, as well as in the Hell, weīre dancing our Boogy, and that is our Spell! So let us dance the Woogy, the Anarchistsī Boogy! I love You! Your! winfried PS.: They have blocked my before logout - I hope they cannot kill anything.
09th of October 2009, 11.29 p.m. German Time *** WELT ONLINE, the Online Edition of a Big German Newspaper, has declared Dictatorship in German Parties *** Dear Sisters and Brothers! That information is some days old, but now I have the time to write more than a few words only: WELT ONLINE has written that the leader of the Social Democratic Party, SPD, in Thuringia has stuffed the managing board of the SPD Thuringia as well as the fraction of the SPD in the parliament of Thuringia consequently with people who are his followers: http://www.welt.de/die-welt/politik/article4727126/Der-Coup-von-Erfurt.html (Quote: "Parteivorstand und Landtagsfraktion hat er inzwischen konsequent mit Gefolgsleuten besetzt,") Ok, we Anarchists in Germany had know contexts like that before, and of course the neoliberal WELT has written that without thinking about the importance of those words. But they have written it: German Parties arenīt ruled from basement to top, but from top to basement. But that has nothing to do with democracy, that is dictatorship. And that is the atmopsphere in Thuringia at this time: The SPD has gotten her votes to make other politics than the clearly neoliberal CDU, but now she is going to make a coalition with the CDU in contrary to that what her own basement would like. The leader of SPD of Thuringia has outed himself as a liar and a dirty intrigant in public, and I think that may be the stuff the people need to start their thinking. We have fought for an anti-neoliberal coalition in Thuringia, that would be the solution, but if the SPD leaded by Christoph Matschie, that is the name of the lieing Dictator of SPD Thuringia, should get to her aim of a coalition with the CDU that could spend the harvest of an enormous anger and gain of knowledge among the peoples not only in Thuringia. The situation, not only regrding thst point, has changed: In the last thirty years the SS-Satanists could progress without any drastic resistance, but now they have reached lines of resistance in nearly all matters. That means they need obvious dictatorship if they want to go on. I love You! Your! winfried PS.: There seem to be some problems concerning the use of smilies. 08th of October 2009, 08.37 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! It seems to be a progression to me that more and more people in public are writing about conspirative networking of the Neo-Liberals, of those who proclaim freedom would be the freedom of capital, following the ideas of Milton Friedman. Cognizing a situation is always the first step to handle it reasonably. On the other hand we have to ascertain that the people is far away from that kind of understanding we are having for a long time. But that mustnīt mean they will need a long time for understanding the rest, sometimes You need only the first brain wave and then the rest runs rapidly. I am researching in matters of SS and indicators of her developement after 8th of May 1945 yet. But one thing is obviously clear at this time: We all have been fooled and are fooled by the leaders all around the world. That means that there will be not true information if we shouldnīt be able to take care for it self. I love You! Your! winfried 07th of October 2009, 09.29 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! Some researches in internet have given a real clear image: The crimes of SS were the crimes of a network which dominated really all parts of science and administration. No hospital, no law-court, no university, no police-station had been free of that. So there were ten-thousands of criminale actors - but only a very small minority of them got ever accused. There is no hint why that network should have stopped itīs doing, but a lot of facts induce that the SS has continued her striving for power only changing her mask. Other facts induce that the Jewish leadership agreed with that from the first moment, had been willed to cooperate with that SS that had murdered millions of Jews. It is a historical fact that Himmler, the chief of the SS, had tried to get peace and cooperation with the Jews when he knew that the war had been lost for Germany. It seems as if a cooperation had been founded: A conspiracy of SS and organized Jewry. The background may be clear: Neither Jews nor SS were the darlings of anyone, but both SS and Jews had very ambitious targets - and both were keepers of a secret knowledge, the same secret knowledge: The knowledge how to maximize domination of man over man. That doesntīt mean they would love one another - it is that kind of cooperation that had been found between Hitler and Stalin in 1939. But while the Hitler-Stalin-Pact had been broken around 2 years after foundation, the SS-Jewry-Pact has been working for decades and is working yet. There cannot be any other explanation, and that means: Jewry is nothing better than SS-Satanism. I donīt think that all Jews are responsible, most of them will have no idea of that. It is the same on the other side: Not all members of the Churches and of CDU/CSU may have an idea of that what their leadership is driven by and is doing. I love You! Your! winfried 06th of October 2009, 10.39 p.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! There is movement in Germany, but no one knows in which direction. In Thuringia the base of an SS-Satanic Party, the SPD, is wild to make a revolt against their leaders and to make social-democratic politics in future. But it seems not to be clear whether they will be successful. Of course it woul be a step into the right direction - but it wouldnīt be a break through. There ios no politician up to now who accuses the German State because of his crimes. I love You! Your! Winfried
06th of October 2009, 09.45 a.m. German Time Dear Sisters and Brothers! I beg Your pardon that I didnīt write here yesterday evening as I had been willed to do. I was very groggy and fell aslept before I could write here. Germany is standing on knifeīs edge, and it is the problem that the SS-Satanists know that but nearly no one else knows. I will write more later, I have to think about some special things and then I will have to do concerning that. I love You! Your winfried |
Texts in American/English for all, with proofs for crimes of German State (will be supplemented): Please click at me! |
Our Heroes
NOOR INAYAT KHAN, British SOE-AGENT in the German occupied France, transmitter between French Resistance and SOE in Great Britain. Caught by the Gestapo after having been betrayed. She endured 10 months of unbelievable torture without giving the Gestapo any information. At last she was sent to the KZ Dachau where she was shot from short distance. Her last word: "Liberty!"