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No. 1

Oberstaatsanwalt Wolfgang Rahmer, zugleich Anklageverfasser: Philipp J. ist eine tickende Zeitbombe. Ich habe in meiner Berufslaufbahn nie ein instinktloseres und sinnloseres Verbrechen erlebt."

Senior public prosecutor Wolfgang Rahmer, also author of the charge: "Philipp J. is a ticking time bomb. I have never experienced a more emotionless and a more meaningless crime during my occupational history.

No. 2

"Es war Verdeckungsmord. Erst schlug der Angeklagte mit einer schweren Stabtaschenlampe auf den Kopf, bis es stark blutete. Um dies zu verdecken, beschloss er, sie zu beseitigen, riss ein Telefonkabel aus der Wand, legte es ihr um den Hals und zog zu. Es folgten 12 Messerstiche."

"It has been a murder because of intended concealment. First the accused hit with a heavy flashlight on her head until it was bleeding profusely. To conceal that, he decided to eliminate her, pulled a telephone-cable out of the wall, laid it around her cervical and pulled it tied.

No. 3

Und zum Angeklagten: "Eigentlich hätte man erwarten können, dass jemand, der kein Profimörder ist, entsetzt den Tatort verlässt. Nichts dergleichen. Sie haben systematisch Wasser vergossen, um die Spuren zu beseitigen."

And to the accused: "In a sense one could have expected that anyone who isn´t a profi murderer would appalledly leave the place of action. Nothing like that. You have systematically shed water to delete the traces. 

Words of the senior public prosecutor Wolfgang Rahmer at the last day of the proceeding against Philipp J. in the case of murder to Nadine Ostrowski. The domain where the report is to find is that one of the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, greatest one in German Ruhrgebiet.

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For purpose of translation I have written those passages I translated firstly in German (blue) than in English. There are three translated passages, they have gotten the numbers from 1 to 3 for references in other articles.