Zur Hauptseite: www.Freegermany.de Freies Deutschland !!!Impressum: Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, Karl-Haarmann-Str. 75, 44536 Lünen, BR-Deutschland, politisch Verfolgter in der nur angeblich rechtsstaat- lichen und nur angeblich demokratischen BRD. EMAIL: winfried_sobottka16@web.de Tel: 0049 231 986 2720 (int.) Meldungen mehrmals täglich unter (anklicken!): http://tagebuch.freegermany.de
Please read the contain of this page first, but then please take a link to: basic informations about us and our ideas for common fight for Anarchy
Dear Sisters and Brothers in the World!
I will write here some more things in English, but now there is little time to do so.
But the most important things moving us Anarchists in Germany should be written here:
My mission is providing information to conscientous individuals, I could´nt tell it in a better way. I´m sorry that I´m unable to write in English as well as I am in German language, but I think You will understand my words.
The hackers among You have best contacts to the hackers among us, so they do know some things about the reality in Germany, for us meaning the composition of Austria and FRG: In Germany there is neither democracy nor true justice, the SS of Himmler, Heydrich and Dr. Mengele didn´t die in 1945, it only changed it´s face.
There is no freedom of providing informations and of opinions, behind the curtains there are working most evil methods of pression, murder and false sentences are not unusual.
So I was forced to use U.S.-Pages for publishing some things being destinated for people in Germany. And that was the moment I recognized that the U.S.A. is the better state in comparision with Germany, cause those, who kill the word, kill everything.
We Anarchist in Germany look up to two fundamental messages, and because I was allowed to announce them, they regard me as the true messiah - not as their leader, we all are equal worthy, there is no leader among us - messiah means announcer of the highest messages for us.
Here are these messages, the first the Whole Divine Law for Mankind, according to our Genoms:
"Mankind has to do what the righteous and reasonable ones among the WOMEN think is right, after the dispute of arguments, free and open for everyone, has come to an end, in small affairs, in large affairs, in everykind of affairs."
You see, I´m not regarding myself to be a leader - German anarchists want to be lead by the last word of the righteous/judicious and reasonable Women! But, of course, we male Anarchists want to say, what we want to say, before the righteous and reasonable women close the discussion by their last word.
Actually, this matches with the optimizing of human intelligence: There is no difference between female and male ratio/IQ, but both brains are specialised: The man is the specialist of free producing of ideas, but he doesn´t regard evrything that should be regarded. The woman is the specialist of responsibility - not so good for producing unconventional ideas, but the better verifyer of ideas. In short: The man produces more and unconventional ideas, but cannot really overview their consequences, the woman looks at his ideas, thinks, then says: "That is bullshit, that is not bullshit, and that, how nice, that idea is really wonderful". And then that idea is really wonderful.
This map shows the development of the number of human beings in the world for the last 3.000 years
beginning with the year -1000 ending with the year + 2000.
The second message is: We all will die, concretly said drown, if we will not change the societies and the developements in a really short time!
The CO2 - production is strong correlated with the number of human beings, as long as we don´t change the way!
More CO2 means lower ph-value in the oceans, we are running to that point, that the producers of oxygen in the oceans will die because of a too low ph-value.
Then the oceans won´t give oxygen to the atmosphere, they will take oxygen and spend CO2 and nitrogen. That will be the end of all mammals an many other kinds: In an atmosphere mixed of 99,5% oxygen and 0,5% CO2 only we would drown, cause we were unable to emit enough CO2 to the atmosphere!!!
This problem - even it is to understand easily - is ignorated and pressed down. Actually it will happen much sooner as most of people would think as possible:
The effects of destroying oecological systems never grow continuous - a long time nothing seems to happen, but than comes the crash.
Furhermore the point of crash comes nearer increasingly faster - look at the map above, it is the same developement, not linear, but exponential.
No doubt: There is no time to loose.
Our model: Fulfillment of drives instead of striving for consumption and social/political power.
will be continued soon...